Save Coloma's State Historic Park!

In the efforts to keep a valued asset open, Marshall Gold Discovery State Historic Park, the birthplace of the California Gold Rush, the craze of the 49ers, and the development of the Sacramento Valley, I see my role as a supporter of the Gold Discovery Park Association and an advocate for the ongoing preservation of this beautiful California State Park!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

How time flies . . .

Well, I've spent a good portion of the past two weeks haunting the Park in anticipation of the poppies but it seems that the weather prevented a real show this year. Mt. Murphy is a beautiful green and there was a brief period when one could see subtle brush strokes of orange, but the grasses have now overpowered much of the color.  There are poppies beginning to bloom down in the park area, with lupine and other wildflowers along Mt. Murphy road.  The weather is predicted to be nice this weekend so my plan is to be in Coloma.  In the meantime, here is a lilac photo taken about two weeks ago. The best show of lilac are bordering the church parking lot on High Street - definitely worth the walk to be rewarded by this visual and fragrant treat!

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