Save Coloma's State Historic Park!

In the efforts to keep a valued asset open, Marshall Gold Discovery State Historic Park, the birthplace of the California Gold Rush, the craze of the 49ers, and the development of the Sacramento Valley, I see my role as a supporter of the Gold Discovery Park Association and an advocate for the ongoing preservation of this beautiful California State Park!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

On the verge of Spring . . .

Word has it that the poppies are about to light up Mt. Murphy any day now.  Ranger Mark Michalski is keeping me posted and I can guarantee you that I'll be there at every possible minute (along with local photographers, I'm sure) to document and enjoy this sight.  Every year these blooms send a spash of color along the face of the mountain and the view from Marshall Gold is breathtaking! Check back for the Poppy Update . . . .

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